Follow Porsche!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
#15 Facebook Fan Page
List 3 resources that provide tips
for creating and effectively maintaining an engaging Facebook fan page.
Rules to being a Fan:
. Respect other fans/fandoms. You have chosen something/someone which/who you are a fan of and think is worth to be supported for whatever reason. Others did the same to their own preferences and reason. Don’t think of your fandom as the only right and possible choice.
2. Be reasonable. You may state why you don’t like an other celebrity/subject. That’s ok. If you do, never get too personal and unreasonable (as is: no bashing, no bulling etc.)
3. Support and don’t disturb. You are free to support whatever/whoever. Concentrate on supporting. Don’t start rumors, fanwars etc.
4. Don’t sabotage other fandoms’ projects, votes, meetings etc. (or the celebrities/subjects’ events). You may not support them, but don’t be a disrupter.
5. Don’t stalk. No further comment needed on this I think.
6. Behave yourself. It may be hard, especially if you always wanted to meet that person, but consider to what noise level and stress they are exposed to. Just imagine having a crowd of screaming and pushing people around you.
7. Accept if they date/marry regardless of whoever they chose as partner. No matter what cultural background, at one point a human being will want to be in a relationship. Celebrities are no exception to that.
8. Don’t ever threat their family, friends or lovers or use them for a hidden purpose (using them to get near the celebrity etc).
9. Accept results. If there is an award that your favorite didn’t win, don’t go blameing/bashing on others.
10. Always consider safety. No matter under what circumstance: Safety goes first. Don’t push. Don’t forget about traffic rules. Etc.
11. Inform yourself via several different sources to prevent having a biased view and judging unfairly. Misunderstandings/misinformation/rumors adds fuel to conflicts. So let’s prevent “MMR” (Misunderstandings/misinformation/rumors).
Even more hilarious is the tope ten Fan pages of facebook. I mean how can you not become a fan??
Top 10 Fan Pages
Ok now to what matters:
Break up logos
Ensure continuity
Clear Flow is key
Integrate Applications
Direct Your Traffic
Forever learning the ways of the net
Sadi Swaney
# 14 Group vs Fan
Explain the differences between a
group page and a fan page on Facebook.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each for achieving different
organizational communication goals. (Include
the links to the Facebook guidelines!)
A fan page is directed toward anyone. Anyone can like it and show that they support or have a preference to whatever the page has to offer. Fan pages are great for ongoing discussions or announcing events over and over again. One downside to a fan page is that by becoming a fan you are just one of thousands whereas a group page is a little more personal.A group page is for specific groups of people who like the same thing. Also group pages can invite people in bulk to participate in the page. Groups are perfect for spreading the word about an event or something specific. A downside to Groups is that once the event is over the connection usually dies out.
Me myself Id perfer to be a fan.
In the Know
But not too in the Know to be sucked in
Forever typing,
Sadi Swaney
#13 Facebook Recommends!! " "
Identify and feature one
organization/brand that is currently using Facebook in an exemplary and successful
professional manner and explain why they are successful. (Hint:
Facebook has a list of these they recommend – find it!)
SnappleSnapple may not be the first "professional choice" However! I think they do a great job at advertising thier product while keeping the consumer ingaged.
I am definaltey a fan.
Snapple is relevant because they are a great example of giving back to the customer not only with thier product but also by sharing great information with the public.
#12 The Social Graph
12. Define and explain Mark Zuckerberg’s concept of “the social graph” and how this is changing the way people organize and do business.
Social Graph
The social graph is the idea is "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related".
As vauge as this sounds for a definition this is what I was given
Before I can even explain what exactly the socail graph is, it is important to address the fact that NEALRY NO ONE HAS A CLEAR IDEA OF WHAT IT IS!! This is true!After reading article after article about this said social graph I can only come this conclusion:
The Social Graph is, big, complex and only Mark can really define it. The whole internet world seems to be tiptoeing around it.
It is no graph at all but instead it is this sort of theory saying that you are connected to this person who is in turn connected to these people who are connected to two people from here also connected to the same person.
Now with all this interconnectedness advertisers are in peril.
They have to find a way to penetrate this web of connectedness to target the heart of the consumer. Tricky Tricky Tricky.
Social Graph
The social graph is the idea is "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related".
As vauge as this sounds for a definition this is what I was given
Before I can even explain what exactly the socail graph is, it is important to address the fact that NEALRY NO ONE HAS A CLEAR IDEA OF WHAT IT IS!! This is true!After reading article after article about this said social graph I can only come this conclusion:
The Social Graph is, big, complex and only Mark can really define it. The whole internet world seems to be tiptoeing around it.
It is no graph at all but instead it is this sort of theory saying that you are connected to this person who is in turn connected to these people who are connected to two people from here also connected to the same person.
Now with all this interconnectedness advertisers are in peril.
They have to find a way to penetrate this web of connectedness to target the heart of the consumer. Tricky Tricky Tricky.
#11 Facebook Blurb
There is so much more to be said about Facebook and Social Media as a whole than what is said here. In just a short while I have learned more about communicatrion styles and the value of fast communication than I ever would have thought.
Social Media/Facebook
Social media is a common term. By
definition however, it becomes more complex. Examples of social media are
everywhere we look. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, and blogs
all seem to encompass the idea of social media. It is all around us and
encompasses nearly everything we do. 98%
of college students have an active facebook.
There are over 100 million active Twitter users in the United States.
This is remarkable. There is nothing
else I know of that so many people have in common. With this in mind the question of why social
media has survived and been so successful is worth discussing. The effects of
social media on the past, present and future seem to be dictating how my day to
day life operates and ultimately my future as a Communication professional.
Social media took its rise early on
with things like Myspace. Since then it has completely evolved into a means of
instant communication. Gone are the days of phone calls and letters. A simple
click here and a few words there can convey nearly exactly what someone wants
the world to know about them. Some would say this is hindering mankind’s
ability to communicate face to face. To be fair however, people have never
really been that great with expressing their ideas and feeling through face to
face interactions. This awkward void has been filled with social media. It has
become much easier to communicate in 21st century organizations by sending a
mass text or simply updating a status to remind coworkers or people important
to what the next big thing will be. The fact of the matter is that social media
is not being used more frequently because people are lazy, or uncomfortable
with face to face interaction. It is being used because it is simply easier.
More people can get the same information at the same time without a million
phone calls or a zillion letters.
The transition into a world doctrine
by social media has put my generation in a predicament. What is being taught in
universities is not how to operate a blog spot or update a Twitter account. As
a student, I am learning how to send a business letter and write a news
article. Unfortunately this is not where my successful future lies. Social
media is just as important to become proficient in. Not every organization uses
a Twitter or facebook to communicate. But nearly every customer or business
person has a specific targeted audience who frequents a social media site. I do
not believe Social media is the heart of an organization but I do believe in
this day and age that is has evolved into an important organ. As a professional
social media is crucial for me to stay connected to my organization and the
components outside of it that make a difference.
I cant help but feel like I have so much more to say and and could produce something REALLY worth reading. Especially since I have aquired a little bit of passion for blogging.
Here yee here yee!!
There is nso much more to be said here!
Stay tuned.
forever exploring,
Sadi Swaney
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
# 9 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. way too many 10. 10. 10.
On Twitter,
follow 10 professionals in your field of study, 10 (non-MTSU) students in your
field of study, 10 organizational communication professionals (broadly
defined), 10 social media blogs, 10 local (Middle Tennessee) entrepreneurs, and
10 MTSU organizations, including the official @MTSU. Make an effort to engage with them (and us!)
regularly throughout the semester through @replies and re-tweets. Post at least two tweets a day with “content”
relevant to your audience.
10 in my field of study/ Organizational Comm Profess: (which is awesome because I could/do study everything!)
1.Working Mother Not becuase I am a mother but because like a mother I want to support teh ones I love and be a kickass career diva!
2.For the Greater Good Ok get real. Nonprofit and for the greater good = sold!
3.Womens Adventure Ideal because I want to be a legendary adventurer!
5.Allison St John. Female Military Leader
7.Outward Bound Dream Job
8.Scuba Divemaster
10. Life Coach
10 Non Mtsu Students in my field of study:
10 Social Media Blogs:
10 MTSU Organizations:
Too Much Twitter!!!
But! I am so in the loop!
#8 Old Time Pottery
Find one
local (Middle Tennessee) entrepreneur/brand to follow on Facebook for the rest
of the semester. Post to their page at
least 3 times before the end of the semester.
(Optional: email and introduce
yourself – engage them in a conversation about SMC for beginners).
I am following Old Time Pottery
They sell nearly everything beautiful and light.
This is perfect since I am nearly obsessed with gardening and outdoor expression.
this is beautiful and so affordable.
Ok so it is easy to see why I am obsessed.
Love and Sunshine,
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
#7 Relevant and Interesting
List and explain 3 ways that
organizational communication professionals are currently using social media
communication in your area of professional communication (e.g. event planning,
sports management, non-profit development, filmmaking, public advocacy, etc..). Provide one example organization that you
find most interesting for your personal goals and plan to follow and analyze them
for the rest of the semester.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Simplicity in Leadership
To be
but not to overbearingly be
To achieve
But not to undermine
accomplishments of
who came previously.
Women in Leadership
It seems nearly impossible to define what I want to be when I am an "adult" or professional, or whatever it is that I am supposed to be learning to be. It seems even more difficult to define the developments and goals I want to achieve. This is all I know.
I will be the type of leader people can reflect on.
I will be the type of communicator who makes people KNOW that they matter.
I will be the type of leader who grows and promotes growth.
I will always be a woman.
I will always have to work twice as hard and with twice as many set backs as a man.
I will always stand for what is light free and beautiful.
I am a leader.
I am confident.
I am strong.
I am uninhibited.
I am driven.
I am learning.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Simplicity in Leadership
To be
but not to overbearingly be
To achieve
But not to undermine
accomplishments of
who came previously.
Women in Leadership
It seems nearly impossible to define what I want to be when I am an "adult" or professional, or whatever it is that I am supposed to be learning to be. It seems even more difficult to define the developments and goals I want to achieve. This is all I know.
I will be the type of leader people can reflect on.
I will be the type of communicator who makes people KNOW that they matter.
I will be the type of leader who grows and promotes growth.
I will always be a woman.
I will always have to work twice as hard and with twice as many set backs as a man.
I will always stand for what is light free and beautiful.
I am a leader.
I am confident.
I am strong.
I am uninhibited.
I am driven.
I am learning.
Monday, March 12, 2012
#6 Souls for United Way
6. List and explain 3 ways that organizational communication professionals are currently using social media communication in your area of professional communication (e.g. event planning, sports management, non-profit development, filmmaking, public advocacy, etc..). Provide one example organization that you find most interesting for your personal goals and plan to follow and analyze them for the rest of the semester.
Im digging the infograph thing thus far. This was a perfect example of how my hope to be profession uses social media.
I hope to have a career in non profit work that helps to teach people how to live fun healthy livesand becone more self sustaining. I don't know what that means in the job field but I know in my heart that this is what I am supposed to do as an "adult". Since my dream occupation has no name yet I have decided to follow a few things. As Im sure you have all heard There is a terrorist of sorts that the American public is trying to help capture by creating social media awareness. His name is Joseph Kony. I am going to continue to follow this story not only through the news but also through twitter and facebook because it seem to be making leaps and bounds in the progressive social media world.Kony Uproar
To be followed:
Soles for Souls Regular Webpage
1. Social Media is used for establishing a base. Nonprofits can see who exactly is interested in becoming involved with their project and only submit information to them avoiding extra problems that come along with mass emails ect. By creating a page and having those who are interested like the page or follow the organization or blog the information only goes to those who want to receive it.
2. Nonprofit Organizations can also use social media to keep all of their followers linked together because all of the input is available for public viewing. It is a way to keep an all for one and one for all sort of connectivity between members of the organization and anyone interested in the organization.
3. Social media and Nonprofit organizations work well together because Nonprofit Organizations can use them to promote events and stay up to date with what other nonprofits are doing without continuously clicking their webpage.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Blogging #5 1-3
Blogging 101: List 3 “tips” for beginning bloggers and 2
resources for developing social media writing skills. Explain why you chose the blogging platform
that you did for this assignment.
What the experts say about blogging:
Chris Brogan , the president of New marketing Labs gives some advice on how to keep your blog appealing.
Performance and new marketing labs.Performance and audience
Performance and new marketing labs.Performance and audience
What I say about blogging:
1. GET STARTED! If you hesitate because you want perfect content you will never get started.
2. Read other blogs. They help inspire your own ideas and opinions.
3. Include something for the reader to go away with. Maybe a new idea or a funny line or something. Blogs that are different get more recognition than the bland ones.
Forever Exploring,
Sadi Swaney
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