1. Who are you and why are you taking a course in professional social media and organizational communication? List three goals you have for yourself in the course this smemester and you you are planning/ accomplishing these goals?
I am an MTSU student swimming in the big ole sea of communication.
I sort of fell into this course while registering for anything available for my major.
( Not the most ideal way to choose a course but somehow it is working for me. )
I can't say I love it thus far
but I can't say I hate it either.
My peers and down to earth instructor make it worth my time.
Computers and technology= Not my thing.
Growth, Human Beings, and Communication= So completley my thing.
So here I am in the middle ground. I love people more than I know anything. I would give anything to communicate with them. As bizarre as it seems to me, Social media is where the communication is happening. My game plan is to handle this how I handle everything:
Hi Social Media, I'm Sadi. You Matter. I want to know you!
Goals: 1. Make connections
2. Learn the tricks and trade of sharing information online
3. Figure out how to be involves with social media sites but not obsessed.
How to: Try Try Try again.
Avoid Frusteration
Follow Syllabus
Awesome! I think you're going to like this, Sadi, because the communication part is far more important than the tech part.