
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mashable #4 2/23

                  How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?  ~Paul Sweeney
This sounds about like me. Impatient. Some would say social media is "instant gratification". So far it has been the exact opposite for me. Between links, feeds, posts, bookmarks, tweets, favorites, readers, and followers I feel a bit like a mashed potato. First whole with a classic peel happily sitting amongst the other potatoes avoiding the fryer of technology.  Then quickly stripped of my gritty skin of comfort and chopped to cubes of twitter, deliscious, and blogs. The ineveitable is happening. It wont be too long unitl im completley mashed and buttered sitting steamy, creamy, and RELATABLE. I mean afterall, everyone loves thier taters mashed. 
Frusterating; a little.
Educational; DEFINATLEY.
Here we go mashable.
Mashable is a website with the intent of connecting all socail media sites together. It seves as a single website to visit where you can learn all the latest and greatest about social media.
A few articles I found interesting and relevant from Mashable are:
Just frequenting the Mashable website proved to be helpful. I know more now about Tweets, Facetime, and Advertisements on facebook than I did 15 minutes ago. CHECK!
Forever Exploring,
Sadi Swaney

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