
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

#30 Presidential Candidates

1.     Post links to the websites of all current 2012 Presidential candidates.  Who do you think is using social media most effectively so far?  How/Why?  (Helpful hint:  use my Pinterest board on the 2012 elections).

According to this Awesome infograph 82% of all adults receive their election news online. If this doesn't state  the importance of social media influence on the presidential election nothing does. Gone are the days of the newspaper and morning news television programs. People would rather see the latest and greatest on their AOL homepage or Google Chrome News section. 

As with the elections of any time period, the candidate who can relate and stay in touch with the "people" ultimately wins over the hearts and votes of the election. 

Be one of the many. VOTE VOTE VOTE

Pondering the vote,

Sadi Swaney

Monday, April 23, 2012

# 39 Social Media Resume

Sadi Marie Swaney
931 809 0310
 ˜, ˜ SadiSawneyLinkedIn ˜ SadiSwaneyFacebook ˜SadiSwaneySays@blogspot. ˜  @SadiSwaneyTwitter  ˜ ˜ Skype: SadiSwaney ˜ SadiSwaney/


Champion of social media tools and technologies, with a track record of creating and implementing successful social media programs. Keep up-to-date with constantly evolving technologies in online social networking, the blogosphere, search tools and Web 2.0, and work closely with clients to create innovative, effective campaigns.

Partial List of Tools (full list available at


Google and related tools (Analytics, etc.)


Middle Tennessee state university, murfreesboro tn
 Studying Organizational Communication and Military Science

# 38 LinkedIn

1.     Create a LinkedIn account.  Post your profile bio on your blog and 2 “tips” resources for beginners.

Check me out! 
Its a working progress:

Tips for Beginners;

1.Accept your a beginner. (Beginner?? )

LinkedIn and Working it,

Sadi Swaney

# 37 Social Media Career

1.     Use the Mashable job search to find your dream internship in professional social media communication and post it to your blog.  Explain how this course has/has not prepared you to obtain that dream position.  (This is a fantasy, so it doesn’t need to be immediately achievable nor in the local area, although that would be ideal, yes?)

Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization committed to the relief, assistance and advancement of the poorest people in the least developed countries of the world. Founded in Ireland in 1968, Concern Worldwide has 3,200 personnel working in 25 countries across the globe. Concern believes in a world where no one lives in fear; where all have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities essential to a long, healthy and creative life. Our mission is to help people living in absolute poverty achieve major improvements in their lives, improvements that are sustainable without ongoing support from Concern.

Find it here : Concern Worldwide
This course has prepared me to step out into the world of social media confidently with assurance that social media is important.

However, I do not realistically feel that I am or would ever be a good candidate for a social media career because although I can see the value in Social media I do not feel passionate about it.

3You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances 
are you’ll end up boring, stupid, and monotonous.
 – Bob Black

Passion is Success

Still Searching,

Sadi Swaney

#36 Books

1.     List three popular press books about SMC/ORCO topics that you would like to read this summer.  Provide links to them on  (optional – lobby the authors for free student copies)

Ready to Read,
Sadi Swaney

# 34 Follow Ups

1.     (Follow up to topics 6,7,8 & 9).  What have you learned about social media communication and networking from the professional sources/bloggers/tweeps you chose to follow and analyze in topics 6,7, 8 &9?  How has your professional network grown since the first week of this assignment and what do you think accounts for that growth?  Are you a better writer now than when you began this assignment?

Since Ive begun following more professionals and people invested in my field I have gained a better understanding of the importance of communication and using social media.

Ive acquired at least 100 more followers on twitter than I had before and I have learned how to follow only people who interest me.

I can accredit all of my growth to having to put together this blog.

I would not say my writing skills have improved but I would say my Tweeting skills have!

# 33 Eve Orsburn

1.     Choose any one of the top 50 Social Media influencers and write a brief biography of their experience and published work.  Include three questions you would like to ask that person about professional social media.  (optional – contact them, send them your link, and ask them to respond to your post!)

Eve Mayer Orsburn

Twitter: @linkedinqueen

Eve Mayer Orsburn is CEO of Social Media Delivered, a social media company that leverages the power of LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and Facebook with proven strategies. Over 60,000 people connect with Eve for expertise on using social media explained in a way they can actually understand. 
What do you think distinguishes you from the others?
What do you do when you are not online?
Is there anything to lose by investing so much into social media?

# 32 Experience

Your choice:  Create a top ten list for any professional social media topic

Top ten things to experience as a Professional using social media;

1. Make a Twitter.

2. Develop who you want to appear to be to other users

3. Reevaluate that choice and then be WHO YOU REALLY ARE

4. Accept that there are tons os social media sites and it is impossible to stay up to date with every single one unless you have no other life.

5. Experience Defeat. Not everyone will love what you have to share

6. Find someone who encourages you to share your thoughts

7. Understand that you are a professional

8. Don't waste time. Every tweet, post, status, blog, blurb, ect will only appear for a short while. If you believe it put it out there. Mean it.

9. Edit and Proofread everything you share.

10. Be confident. What you have to say is important and someone wants to see it.