How can organizational communication professionals develop and practice more effective social Media engagement and networking skills? Provide at least three sources for further reading and EXPLORATION.
Networking and social Media met me civil war style on the battle field. We both had an idea of what to expect but neither actually expected things to be so blatantly upfront. Social Media doesn't sugar coat things. I mean how can you in 140 characters or less? I think this could be what keeps me coming back to it. Social media drives straight to the point. It shoots a direct route straight to the viewer.
Then as a viewer you are left with the choice to take it or leave it. with that being said getting your own ideas straight out without flaw to the right people is challenge.
From a searching seeking rushing frantic hungry sleepy excited anxious pumped up mentally drained full of information college student to my readers;
If you want to network get started!
-Make a point to recognize and mention the people and things you are interested in.
-Engage Engage Engage! the worst possible thing that could happen would be that the viewer of your information does not respond. If so? On to the next!
-In order to engage and Network effectively you have to believe that what you are producing matters enough to be read! You are as important as you think you are. Your ideas hold as much worth as you think they do!
-Lastly, Respond! If someone is interested in what you have to say show and interest in their interest for you. You do not have to think their information is great but the fact that they took an interest in your ideas is Great and. Keep connecting!
Of course, Here is what the experts say:
Networking Tips
This one is especially great because it offers a look at a slide share
This could be a great tool for Twitter beginners
Engage on Twitter
Sadi Swaney
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