Find out your Klout score and what type of
influencer you are. (Hint: see bookmarks). Is this what you want to be? How can you move in the direction of the type
of influencer you hope to be?
Naturally I wanted something catchy.. Da gout it is...
Just a little warm up before the business.
Gout defined by urban dictionary is : Urban Dictionary is truth
For the record the above has literally nothing to do with the Klout.
Wiki says: Koutiki
According to Klout I'm sitting at a 22.5...
I need some work.
However! This is no problem. Ive already devised a cunning way to improve my score and my professional social media image!
1. Categorize my Tweeple
2. Post more of what I am interested in on my Facebook as well as finding others who live the dream I want to live.
3. Only post/tweet things people can gain something from
4. Update and develop my social media platforms!
5. Keep researching ways to improve my Social media image as a professional.
And the journey continues....
Forever developing,
Sadi Swaney
An overload of uric acid in the body that can lead to crystal formation in the body tissues and joints is gout. The joints then become inflamed and develop bouts of arthritis. Severe cases of gout are hard lumps of uric acid in the joints that can eventually destroy the joints. Other results of chronic gout can include problems with kidney function and kidney stones.